Synopsis: The Junior Heavenly Demon, Yeon Woon-hwi, was born without a dantian. However, through dark arts and his, well, less-than-pleasant personality—err, his extraordinary ability—he rose to become the junior lord of the Heavenly Demon Cult. He was known by many titles:
- ‘Great Sorcerer of the Dark Arts’
- ‘King of the Wandering Lost Souls’
But the people’s view of him was simple:
“If he smiles, run as fast as you can. His smile is a death sentence.”
“Catch his eye, and he will offer you lifelong protection. That is, if you can.”
He was living the high life when suddenly, he was betrayed in a coup led by the vice-lord and the elders of his cult.
“You seem to have forgotten what kind of person I am, Uncle. So die. All of you.”
Using the holy relic of the first Heavenly Demon, he self-destructed, taking the traitors down with him. But then, he opened his eyes in the most unexpected of places…
“I'm in the Tang Clan? And a branch family at that?”
He awoke as Tang Woon-hwi, an illegitimate son of the Nine Dragon Branch Family, a subset of the Sichuan Tang Clan.
Will Woon-hwi be able to find his master, reunite his scattered followers, and rebuild the Heavenly Demon Cult?